Welcome to The
Episcopal Church
of Our Saviour
of Madison County
Richmond, Kentucky
As Episcopalians, we are dedicated to sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a community of faith in the tradition of The Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a congregation in The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. With Christians around the world, we are united in prayer and committed to continuing Jesus’ ministry of love, compassion, mercy and grace in serving those in need and transforming the world in loving, liberating and life-giving ways.
We provide a safe place in which you can develop a relationship with God and freely ask questions and seek answers. We embrace and celebrate diversity and inclusion for all. We worship and pray together, learn and grow spiritually, and strive to share God’s love at every opportunity. We may not always agree with one another, but we love and respect one another. Whatever your background and whatever your personal beliefs, we welcome you.
May you be blessed abundantly by God’s love and comforted by God’s mercy, grace and peace.
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further details.
MAR 2nd: 2:00 p.m. "A Case for Love"
ECOS is honored to host the viewing of the documentary movie, "A Case for Love" on Sunday afternoon, March 2, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
Our society is more divided than ever. A CASE FOR LOVE is inspired by the teachings and writings of Bishop Michael Curry and aims to change this national narrative of division. Bishop Curry is most well-known for his passionate sermon about “The Power of Love” at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Topics explored: Racial Justice, Sexual Identity, Military Service, Foster Care, Politics, Sexual Trafficking, Disability, Loss of Loved Ones, Refugees, Volunteering, Food Justice and more.
What’s the verdict on “A Case for Love”? Come watch and decide for yourself.
Bagging the Food for Those in Need - Volunteer Opportunity
We are working together with St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Packing Bags of Food for community members who are in need. Volunteers are needed on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm (for about hour) at St. Thomas Church. We will be packing bags with non-perishable foods so the families can put together 2-3 meals for the week.
If you would like to sign-up for a one-hour Wednesday, please call Grace Sears (859-779-0285) or James Anderson (859-625-4059) Which Wednesday would you like? 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th? We need 2-3 volunteers per Wednesday.
Schedule a Meeting with Deacon Emily
You can now schedule a Meeting with Deacon Emily through our website scheduler.
It's simple, just CLICK HERE enter your information & select a meeting time.
Office Hours
Office hours by appointment
- Bible Study– 9:30 AM
- Worship Services– 11:00 AM
- Contemplative Prayer– 6:00 PM
- Evening Prayer– 7:00 PM